Custom Water made out of Wedges

roblox water

I might use this for a hangout game in the middle of the ocean or something. What do you guys think?


I love it. Will you make the code open source?


I probably won’t make it open source, but if you’re interested in making it yourself, I could give you some pointers.


I think it is wonderful! You must have a great imagination! Keep up the hard work. I would rate this 9/10! I would make the color a little lighter.


Thanks a lot. I just made the water dark because I wanted to recreate the dark waters of the Northern Atlantic.

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Indeed, I was wondering the reason. Keep up the good work!

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Yes, I would like to make for myself too.

What math did you use to make this? I have similarly seen terrain made with triangles.

This is nice work.

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Well, the first thing you’d have to tackle is filling in the space between 4 vertices in a square. The way I approached this was creating a wedge and positioning it so that its hypotenuse runs from one vertex to another vertex. Then to get it rotated and sized properly, it takes a bit of trigonometry. Once you can successfully fill in a 1x1 square, make a 2d array (10x10) or so, and set the heights with a function like sine. If you wanted to animate, you just have to update the wedges each step (or less if you want to avoid lag).


It’s mostly just working with trigonometry and vectors.


By the way, I used 4 wedges per 4 vertices.


I understand filling in the 4 vertices and making sure its hypotenuse runs from 2 vertices but not the rest. A trigonometric example would be nice!

Isn’t two wedges enough to fill a square, why four?

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Hopefully this will help.

The heights of each of those vertices aren’t the same, and sometimes you need to use a triangle that isn’t a right triangle, so to accommodate that, you need to use twice as many wedges because any triangle can be split up into 2 right triangles

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Ohh I see, also what do you mean by a 10x10 array? I am stumbled on what makes an array dimension times dimension (N x N). Is it just iterating over an array containing 10 values 10 times?

Pretty much. Here’s how I make the array:

local array = table.create(11)
local xbound = 10
local ybound = 10
for xi=1,xbound+1 do
	array[xi] = table.create(11)
	for yi=1,ybound+1 do
		array[xi][yi]= --whatever function you want to use to calculate heights

The way you then access the heights is with 2 for loops

for yi=1,ybound do
		for xi=1,xbound do
               local height = array[xi][yi]
               --make triangles

Nice creation! This is one of the few more satisfying things I’ve seen. Keep up the good work!


Thank you very much for the compliments!

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Why add 1 to the table count and goal in the iterator?

Thank you for being generous enough to answer, I hope I am not flooding the replies too much and if so you could do the answers in messages if needed, I just have never set foot into this type of code.

This will be helpful to understand the other generation code I found since it has practically a similar usage.

Don’t worry about it.

I add 1 to the table count because of how I define the vertices when I make the triangles.
I do something like

local v1 =,array[xi][yi],yi)
local v2 =,array[xi+1][yi],yi)
local v3 =,array[xi][yi+1],yi+1)
local v4 =,array[xi+1][yi+1],yi+1)

Say I looped through this 10 times. Without having an 11x11 array, I’d get an error because I use array[xi+1][yi+1] for the 4th vertex.


Oh, I understand now. Thank you for the explanation! For the sine function, did you use math.sin() and just place a unconstant number that changes Y values (heights?) to create an animation? I do know its used to get Y on an unit circle so this is my guess.

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