Customizable Icon Colours, Primary Icon thread

Im a GUI designer, I make a bunch of user interfaces and these are some features that I would like to see in roblox studio as they would help me create user interfaces or just make it more pleasant/ nicer because I’m a really organized person and more organization is great!

  1. Customizable icons ( colours and files )

I think it would be great if we could be able to customize icons ( all icon ) for better organization, i often find it almost hard to sometimes find what i want/ need because atleast for me alot of stuff blends together especially if you have a bunch of GUI elements ( and even with other elements ) in one place it can be hard to differentiate them sometimes, giving us the ability to change the colour/ icon of these elements in my opinion would be great for better organization and differentiating them from one another.

( im not sure where else to put it? )


  1. Primary icon threads ( I don’t have a better name )

I think these would be great for breaking up elements from one another, making them easier to track and easier to understand which elements are under one another ( especially if you have a giant folder of a bunch of elements that are the same thing ) ( atleast for me ).

This would be something that’s toggleable (I’m not sure where you could toggle it ) also i would think you would be able to toggle this under specific elements so not everything would have this? but I’m not sure.


I guess you could also make it so that it’s toggleable ( in settings ) under models and folders?

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You can already customize the icons via Roblox Studio Mod Manager or using the setting under Studio Settings > Directories > Custom Icon Dir
