Customize Core Backpack?

I know we just disable the pack and make our own but i much rather edit the original and keep the same behaviour. Is it possible just copy and paste the backpack in and edit it?


You can retrieve the latest Core Scripts from GitHub. After modifying them you should be able to place them in StarterPlayerScripts and by disabling the backpack coregui you will be able to replace it with your own.


They aren’t actively updating that repository anymore.
My client tracker repository is always the latest on production:


Also if you want to get something ‘tactile’, you can use the command bar in a studio test to steal the GUI.

game.CoreGui.<GuiNameSeeSuggestions>:Clone().Parent = game.StarterGui

On line 104 it tries to access game.CoreGui. Do you know of any way around this?

Edit (for anyone else who has the same problem):

I just pressed Play Solo and got the modules myself inside of Studio.

Edit #2:

Roblox tries to access CoreGui everywhere in their module scripts so I can’t use this.

Try changing CoreGui to PlayerGui.

I tried that, and sadly it didn’t work. I had to remove every reference to CoreGui in all of the CoreScripts, which was really time consuming, and it still didn’t work because some of the methods called inside of the CoreScripts are locked to CoreScripts only.

Emerald, scripts (with a context level of 2) are unable to access the CoreGui. The Dev Console on the other hand (context level 6) can.

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I said to run this in the command bar, not in a normal script – so that code is in fact able to access the CoreGui. Studio now also has a setting that lets you view CoreGui in explorer as well, so you don’t even need a command to do this now - you can just look inside and copy whatever you need.

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Possibly I reverted Backpack updates back in 2015


Do you have a newer version of this? This only works on the first client and no one after.

EDIT : I managed to fix this cause I have randomly generated names for my services and I had to go into the scripts and use GetService instead.

yours doesnt even have an actual backpack script

This is from 6 years ago dude…
Also if you dug a little more you’d find it right here: