Customize gears

Hello fellow developers. I’m looking for a way to take the classic sword and change its size.

I cannot figure out how to make it go from it’s normal size to a different size.

I have tried searching the toolbox for a “modded” classic sword but that didn’t work.

Please respond if you know how I can change my gear or a plugin that can do that!

Set the MeshSize of the Handle to be a larger size.

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How do I do that? Do you have access to the studio?

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There’s just a part in the tool called “Handle” and in there is probably a mesh, you can change the scale property of that mesh to higher numbers.


I currently am not able to get on studio because it is late where i live and I am tired.

Find your tool in studio, go into it and select Handle, the in Properties, change the MeshSize property to a larger number than what it was.

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Could u also show me a screenshot of the tool in the Explorer? I can help more if you do

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I’ll try it thanks for the help btw!

I tried to make the mesh bigger and it worked!

Thank you that also worked!


Mark discgolftaco’s first reply as the solution.


Naw it’s fine. Have a great night/evening! (Its 9:09 pm here.)


I did, you guys were helpful! Thanks!