Customizeable Advanced Dash Mechanic - R6

Scorp’s Dash Mechanic, an advanced dash mechanic for the Roblox platform

I’ve seen there are no good free dash scripts, so I made my own!

This is the first time I’ve used GitHub and my first time making anything public! I think it turned out alright.

  • If you have any issues or have suggestions, please tell me! I’d like to expand this mechanic more
  • Fully customizable from the SETTINGS module!
  • Cool trails!
  • Buffer dashes with multi-dash!
  • Get it here:


  • You must upload the animations yourself and replace the ID’s in the Animations folder. All animations are found in the ANIMATIONS model.
  • R6 only

Multi-dash setting with my personal config

You can find my small personal config commented in the SETTINGS module

Normal dash: fowards, backwards, left, right and up!

normal dash