I’ve done further changes to the chat, which includes some new features, and bug fixes
— Features —
– Added support for Font objects, which includes these 81 fronts in the creator marketplace. These fonts are not available in studio by default, and are downloaded when users join your game. Using Font objects also allows for further customization of fonts
(Using a Enum.Font is still supported)
– Added a HiddenChannels settings to ChatSettings. This table can be used to hide some channels (such as the System channel) from the Channels Bar, when it is enabled
– Added a ChatBarBoxBackGroundTransparency Setting to ChatSettings. This controls the transparency of the Textbox in the ChatBar, which was previously controlled alongside the whole ChatBar by the ChatBarBackGroundTransparency Setting. This allows for more in depth customization of the look of the chat
– Chat translations is enabled by default, see this reply. This also includes a setting in the ChatSettings module to customize the color of the Translation Onboarding Message. The Option To View Untranslated Message setting doesn’t do anything because I cannot retrieve that setting
— Bug Fixes —
– Fixed my implementation of dragging and resizing crashing studio (and live games?) when using deferred signal behaviour
– Fixed deleting the last character of your message kicking you out of a /team or /w (…) channel. Now you must press backspace again to exit the channel. (Oddly enough, this bug only starts happening after sending the first message in /team or /w, because you aren’t actually in those channels at that point)
– Fixed messages not shrinking after taking less lines than they used to (after resizing), which used to leave gaps in between messages
– Fixed a bug where the wrong size would be applied to the chat (there are 3 sizes for desktop, tablet, and phone, specified in ChatSettings), due to the chat loading before the RobloxApp goes in fullscreen (or whatever you have it set up to)
For some reason, there is apparently no way to detect when the screen size is final, so I ended up just making it update dynamically, unless it was dragged or resized
These updates could introduce some new bugs into the chat, so if you encounter what you believe to be a bug, please report it, I’ll gladly look into it :P
If you have any other weird bugs or quirk of the legacy chat that is bothering you (or a feature request), leave a reply, and I’ll see what I can do about it