CustomPack - Customizable Backpacks, Made Simple

CustomPack is a new customizable backpack script for your experiences.

CustomPack features:

  • Customization ranging from fonts, to colors, to corners, to transparency!
  • A fresh coat of paint on the default backpack.
  • And More!


CustomPack has an API which has these methods:

  • SetBackpackEnabled
  • SetInventoryOpen
  • ToggleBackpack
  • And more to come!

Get the script

You can get the script here

Demo Game

View the demo game here


Inventory/Hotbar rearrangement menu

Screenshots taken in the


This seems really interesting! Would you mind showing some screenshots of examples of what this is capable of?


Sure, I will post screenshots.

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So where’s the screenshots? It’s been 3 days.

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I am really not sure what you mean by “backpack.” Is it similar to the default Roblox backpack, but better, or is it something else?

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Simular to the default backpack but customizable

You need to show screenshots, makes no sense we have to get the model to view it.

Alright, Screenshots are coming in!

Get ready for the demo game! It’s coming in a little bit!

its been 4 days, why are you procrastinating SCREENSHOTS

I will make screenshots in the demo game which is coming up!

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Screenshots and demo game link are now in the original message!

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Bro really just took the backpack core script and said it’s ‘similar to it’…

Reviving this thread because I will add some more API accessibility and more options!