CustomPrompt [Replacement of ProximityPrompt]

CustomPrompt is deprecated and will be replaced with CustomPrompt v2 in future.

Old Post

Hello. I made an ModuleScript , that makes an UI for the Object, something like ProximityPrompt.

How to create it?

1. Let’s require our module.

local CP = require(game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”).CustomPrompt)

2. Now, we need to create our Prompt.

CP.Create(workspace.Part, “Part”, “Interact with part… Idk”, 20)

First argument is path to our object, second is title of prompt, third is description of prompt, fourth is Stud distance.

  1. Now we need to make function to our prompt.

local Button = workspace.Part:FindFirstChild(“Prompt”).PromptFrame.PromptButton

local function Hello()




This is my first ModuleScript, thought I could make this public.


Looks like this module is just a worse version of the roblox proximity prompts since it lacks a lot of features they provide such as multiple platform support, hold duration etc. I personally cannot think of a use case where I would use this over the default ones. To add on, you can also modify the default proximity prompts to your liking.


Unfortunately, there are no benefits to using this over the default provided systems Roblox has, especially as you can customise ProximityPrompt’s appearances to your liking.

Alongside this, your Module lacks features which Roblox already provides, another bonus to choosing the pre-added version Roblox supplies us with. Adding prompts into parts in the way this module does may also lead to tracking which parts have prompts added too difficult, as they do not appear in studio.

While this system is nice, there are sadly no bonuses over using Roblox’s default system for this - it seems you tried to solve a problem that wasn’t there. Good job on your first Module Script, though.


even tho everyone keeps saying this is bad for completely valid reasons, I have no idea how a proximity prompt works, so i am going to download this resource to see if i can make proximity prompts work on chickynoid.