CustomTweenService v1.0

Introducing a new module for convenient and advanced tweening instances in Roblox.


  • Simple tweening
  • Predefined functions to tween CFrame/Position
  • Custom EasingStyle
  • PreProcessing and PostProcessing functions
  • Supports Bezier Curves
  • Animation of objects in 1 line (rotation in a circle, changing CFrame)

Example #1:

-- Default Color Tween


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)
local Part = workspace.TestPart
local Info = CustomTweenService.Info(3, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local Tween = CustomTweenService:Create(Part, Info, {Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)})


CustomTweenService.Info() arguments:

CustomTweenService.Info(Duration, EasingStyle, EasingDirection, PreProcessing, PostProcessing)`
Duration - the duration of Tween
EasingStyle - EasingStyle of Tween, accepts Enum.EasingStyle, CustomTweenService.EasingStyles
or function that returns time from given time and EasingDirection.
EasingDirection - default roblox EasingDirection: Enum.EasingDirection
PreProcess - function that returns time from given time and EasingDirection,
called after EasingStyle function
PostProcess - function that returns value from given value, time, EasingDirection

More information below

CustomTweenService:Create() arguments:

local Tween = CustomTweenService:Create(instance, InfoOrTime, Properties)
instance - the Instance whose properties will be changed
InfoOrTime - CustomTweenService.Info() or just duration of Tween
Properties - the table of properties that will be changed on the Instance.

Example #2:

-- Fast Part Tween with Sine EasingStyle


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)

local Part = game.Workspace.TestPart
local EndCFrame = Part.CFrame +, 25, 0)

local Info = CustomTweenService.Info(2, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)

CustomTweenService:TweenPivot(Part, EndCFrame, Info)

CustomTweenService:TweenPivot() arguments:

CustomTweenService:TweenPivot(instance, EndCFrame, InfoOrTime)
instance - the BasePart/Model/Camera that will be moved
EndCFrame - end CFrame of Instance
InfoOrTime - CustomTweenService.Info() or time (duration of Tween)

Example #3:

-- Create a permanent rotating part (3 degree per frame)


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)
local Part = workspace.TestPart

CustomTweenService:PermanentAxis(Part, CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(3), 0))

CustomTweenService.PermanentAxis() arguments:

CustomTweenService:PermanentAxis(instance, axis)
instance - the BasePart/Model/Camera whose CFrame will be changed.
axis - CFrame which will be multiplied every frame

Example #4:

-- Custom Easing Styles


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)
local Part = workspace.TestPart

function laggy(t: number, direction: Enum.EasingDirection)
	return math.round(t * 50) / 50

local Info = CustomTweenService.Info(5, laggy, Enum.EasingDirection.In)
local Tween = CustomTweenService:Create(Part, Info, {Position = Part.Position +, 30, 0)})

-- You can provide a function instead of Enum.EasingStyle

Example #5:

-- Part moving upwards along a sinusoid using PostProcess function


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)
local Part = workspace.TestPart

function postProcess(value: CFrame, t: number, direction: Enum.EasingDirection)
	return value * (math.sin(t * 20 * math.pi)), 0, 0 )

local Info = CustomTweenService.Info(6, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, nil, postProcess)

CustomTweenService:TweenPivot(Part, Part.CFrame +, 40, 0), Info)

Example #6:

-- Part moving along a circle facing to the center


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)
local Part = workspace.TestPart

local Center = Part.CFrame

CustomTweenService:PermanentCircle(Part, 4, Center, 20, {FaceCenter = true})

Example #7:

-- Bezier Curves


local CustomTweenService = require(script.Parent.CustomTweenService)
local Part = workspace.TestPart
local Points = {}

for i = 1, #workspace.BezierCurveParts:GetChildren() do
	local IPart: BasePart = workspace.BezierCurveParts:FindFirstChild("N"..i)
	table.insert(Points, IPart.CFrame)

CustomTweenService:TweenBezierPivot(Part, CustomTweenService.Info(3, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), Points)

CustomTweenService:TweenBezierPivot() arguments:

CustomTweenService:TweenBezierPivot(instance, InfoOrTime, Points)
instance - BasePart/Model/Camera that will be moved along the curve
InfoOrTime - CustomTweenService.Info() or Time(duration of tween)
Points - points of Bezier Curve, where first point is the start,
last point is the end 

If you find errors - write.
This module will be updated in the future.


Incredible creation with some very good extensions. Potentially uploading this in a repository would result in some very good changes. Consider it :ok_hand: