I want to make a game with 2d characters and animate them with the Cut-out animation style
(One game I can think of that uses this style is Plants vs Zombies)
I made a basic design for one of my characters, Split it up into different images and built the character in Roblox studio.
But I’m running into this problem
when I turn the transparency of the parts the images are on to 1, the images are fighting for dominance! even when I have the parts I want in front slightly ahead in the 3d space
here’s a vid:
I did a little digging an the forum to see if I can resolve this issue but all I could really find is reports involving all the images on one part, but in order to animate this, I just cant do that
I tried putting the images on decals and Image Labels with surface Guis but it came up with the same result.
Is there a way to fix this? or possibly animate this all in one surfaceGui? (Because then I could use zIndex)
I’m not sure if this is even possible on Roblox, because I’ve never seen a game with things animated in the cutout style before…
but if anyone has anything that can point me in the right direction! please don’t hesitate to reply!
I tried that, but unfortunately each image is on a separate base Part, so that way I am able to animate it like an NPC. and it seems zindex Doesn’t work across multiple parts…
Hmmmm. You could potentially try to find somebody on the backend who could know why this is happening, or make a bug report. I don’t think surfaceguis should behave like that.
I mean, it seems like an issue and I am sure Roblox is willing to fixing anything even so minor. Try going to the bug report category and reading the instructions.
This is quite a little awkward situation if you couldn’t manage to find no solutions at all… As what @Chiseled_Cheese stated, it might be a issue with Roblox as a bug
Try entering in contact to the forum group @Bug-Support to see if they can help you out publishing your report from a PM (Private Message) to a public topic within the category #bug-reports. In the meantime, as a second/backup plan, make sure to create a request to join the forum group @AllowBugReports so your account would be able to access to the Bug Wizard Report system
I’m not really sure how to get in contact with people on the Bug support group, it seems it wont let me view people in the group unless I myself am in it too.
Someone did contact me through Roblox messaging who was unable to post on here, saying I could get around this by going into blender and turning the images into a flat, 3D rig. However I only installed blender a few days ago, and looking at that program makes my head spin
but maybe if you know a way to find a bug reportable person and could help me reach them I wound be very thankful!
The part of not seeing how many members are within the group is an intended tactic that they made, but you can still enter in contact with them by creating a Message to them. Just make sure it follows the instructions of how to post a bug report and send it to the forum group as a PM!
Furthermore, if you believe that the third-party software is confusing to you, you may be a newbie at it… No worries, it happens! I already passed through this process and it is recommended to learn the principles of each shortcut and what are the points of the many interfaces. Practice in your time and eventually, you will be able to get it and produce 3D assets!
Have you tried experimenting with the ZOffset property for SurfaceGuis? If all of these parts are aligned and flat, ZOffset should be able to give each part of the character a different offset so they don’t Z-fight.
Sadly, this is just a rendering issue that Roblox has with transparent parts, an option is to put everything in a surfacegui and animate it with tweenservice