Cutting Blender Meshparts

Alright, so this is more of a question, to help improve my Blender rigs, and the efficiency of making them.

An example of a quick rig I made is this cartoony wolf:


As you can see within the Blender image, the parts are split into joints, to make the model good for animating. Within Blender, I typically grab 1 UV sphere, sculpt it, and then I grab another one, sculpt that - and position them together. It’s a process where I keep grabbing these spheres to make different parts, and then I add them together. To me, it seems quite inefficient, and I was wondering - is there an easier way to cut mesh in Blender, to make multiple parts for joints?

For example, it’d be really cool if I could simply sculpt the whole leg of the model, and then slice it up into parts for the joints, and then stick it onto the model.

I’d like to know if this is possible, and how to do it! Thank you! :smile:


Really it comes down to what kind of workflow you prefer.

For me, when I modeled this rig here, every object you see was made separately except for the chest which was made in one object and split because I needed it to bend without weird seams.

I achieved this with the Knife tool
Then when I have my dividing line, go into Object Mode, duplicate the object, then delete the alternative sections. Once that’s set, I make the inner faces.

But your method seems to work since you’re doing organic modeling, so it comes down to preference. Nice model by the way!


You can also select all of the geometry you want to split into a new object in edit mode and press P > from selection. That geometry will be separated into a new object.