Cutting System gave me an Error

Hello everybody I’m TheFoxCreator I’m currently trying to create a simple cutting system with an animation, but when I tested it it gave me this error:

I don’t know what is wrong in the code that that happens.
Here is the Code. And btw it’s a local script inside StarterChracterScripts.

local proximityPrompt = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("promppart"):FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local gurke1 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke1")
local gurke2 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke2")
local gurke3 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke3")
local gurke4 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke4")
local gurke5 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke5")
local gurke6 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke6")
local gurke7 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke7")
local gurke8 = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke8")

local gurke1ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke1ende")
local gurke2ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke2ende")
local gurke3ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke3ende")
local gurke4ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke4ende")
local gurke5ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke5ende")
local gurke6ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke6ende")
local gurke7ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke7ende")
local gurke8ende = workspace:FindFirstChild("gurke8ende")

local howmanycut = 0

	camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
	camera.CFrame ="cam").Position)
	UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(key, gameProcessed)
		if key.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
			loadedAnim = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(script.cut_anim)
			if not loadedAnim.IsPlaying then
				if howmanycut == 0 then
					gurke1.CFrame = gurke1ende.CFrame
					gurke1.Orientation = gurke1ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 1
				if howmanycut == 1 then
					gurke2.CFrame = gurke2ende.CFrame
					gurke2.Orientation = gurke2ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 2
				if howmanycut == 2 then
					gurke3.CFrame = gurke3ende.CFrame
					gurke3.Orientation = gurke3ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 3
				if howmanycut == 3 then
					gurke4.CFrame = gurke4ende.CFrame
					gurke4.Orientation = gurke4ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 4
				if howmanycut == 4 then
					gurke5.CFrame = gurke5ende.CFrame
					gurke5.Orientation = gurke5ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 5
				if howmanycut == 5 then
					gurke6.CFrame = gurke6ende.CFrame
					gurke6.Orientation = gurke6ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 6
				if howmanycut == 6 then
					gurke7.CFrame = gurke7ende.CFrame
					gurke7.Orientation = gurke7ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 7
				if howmanycut == 7 then
					gurke8.CFrame = gurke8ende.CFrame
					gurke8.Orientation = gurke8ende.Orientation
					howmanycut = 8

If anyone finds the error please tell me! Thanks!

“Attempt to index nil with ‘LoadAnimation’” means there is no humanoid under the script.Parent.Parent. (Or maybe it just haven’t loaded yet) Could you provide an image of the player character in the explorer? It could help.

I also noticed that the script that throws the error is located in Workspace.The_Fox2Creator.Script, which means that the script is directly under the character. So if you were to find the humanoid of the playerChar, you’d say script.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”).

You wrote ‘.Parent’ twice, meaning the script is looking for a humanoid in the workspace.
Changing this to

loadedAnim = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(script.cut_anim)

would fix your issue.
Have a nice Christmas!

So it kinda fixed the error. I mean the error doesn’t come back in the console, but the animation doesn’t play. So there’s probably an error in the animation. Still thanks for your help!