Cyberpunk Full RPG Game Project (Zarpunk Border) [GAME FEEDBACK REQUESTED]

I started working on a game 2 weeks ago, and it is about a Cyberpunk RPG Game Project that also includes a border game aspect because it would have been difficult without some game elements and without a reason why the players are trying to enter the city.

Theme: Cyberpunk (Custom Theme branching from scratch with a made-up story about John Racer)

Timeline: 2077 A.D.

Purpose of Theme: Life in the future of Fiction of a world where Cyberware Technology took over the world, and the Economy was unstable for world governments to sustain and come together and began Corporation dystopian structure after the shutdown of many world governments. This story is meant to be entirely fictional and not based on any real events, locations, or even possible real events. Everything in this story is 100% fiction.

Genre: Sci-fi/Futuristic/Cyberpunk: Branched Cyberware Story

Story Goal: I want to try to make it so dramatic that Finster Corp. and Bloxy Corp. had the biggest war ever that they accidentally did damage to the Data Hive Mine that stored everyone’s memories that didn’t have organic brains still left in them.

The game is the timeline aftermath after all the wars already happened and you try to seek a better life and to try to cross the border.

Story 0: Prologue

Finster Corporation was sending medical response teams to figure out what other corporations were doing before the war began. Finster Corporation found out that Bloxy Corporation was responsible for compromising the Data Hive Mine Center of Memory. The story begins in the Deserts of Zartech City’s local region in the Desert Sector of District 7. A massive Corporation war took place in 2067 AD where the Bloxy Corporations had uncivilized disputes about the future of the Data Mine Hive developed back in 2050 AD that introduced what we know from some shows as “Skynet” where all internet networks are connected, and now even through Cyberware that was invented in 2055 AD.

The concept game and story are much longer and have been moved to a Google document because it’s already about 8 pages long or more. Project Cyber Corp Story game concept (read-only)

This project is still in alpha and still a work in progress and I require creative feedback from the community for the direction of this game generally.

The experience link is here:


Yup! We’re working very hard on this game!