CyberWorld game logo

Hi! Ive been working on a open world cyberpunk crime game named “CyberWorld” .This is the logo and some of its variants ive made for it. The games original idea and its logo is very based on cyberpunk 2077 but the game in its still happening development has evelved to a more GTA type expieriance. Wacha guys think?


I personally like the 3rd one more as its the easiest to read and matches what you’re going for.


In my opinion, the second one is the best. Because it looks pretty clear!

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I think the first logo is the best. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice work :wave:.

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Stating opinion

1: It’s nice with the red text-stroke glow, but harder to read the 'Cyber" part, a bit too much black with the Y-B-E-R.

2: Looks really clean, it’s closer to cyber than the 1st or 3rd. Like it.

3: Looks like a older Japanese-arcade style text, nice looks like it would work with a samurai game

Overall the 1st needs the most, good job though!


I like #2 but idk if you want my opinion since I’m working on it with you XD

The font looks really good, the one that i liked more is the third one because it has more color variety.

I think the 3rd one looks the best, it is also easy to read.