Cylinder in studio loads as a block?

Not really sure what I can say here, pretty self explanatory, please help :sob:


A cylinder is a part, but its just a different shape.

Ok loading as a block?? You see what I mean…

Ohhh my bad. I’m stupid.

You can go to the properties of the part, and change the shape a from block to a cylinder.

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Can’t you see from the images that I have done so already?

I’m dumb Part 2:

Is the cylinder pattern a child to the floor?

The problem is self-explanotory, but I don’t have enough information on what you did to troubleshoot the problem.

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This is what my explorer looks like, it’s only a child to a folder.

Fixed… There were block meshes in everything(?? i didnt add them lol)

Delete the Fire and spread scripts. That’s a virus.


Nice catch. I forgot those contained viruses.

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