Cylinder scaling and snapping acting up

Never had this happen. Suddenly today the cylinder part doesn’t want to align anymore and the scaling ends up moving the part and changing the size, but the size of the box doesn’t visually change…?

Anyone else experiencing this weird behaviour?

Besides the scaling, it snaps to strange points

When dragging it against a part (all using normal move numbers and whole sizes), it decides to go .499 instead of .5 which it always used to do.

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It could be the updated snapping thing, it likes to snap in weird, unflush positions.

Probably. How even did it become this way and is there a way to fix it?

In addition to my previous message:

The placing is also off for this bookshelf model. It previously snapped to the grid, whereas now it often times sits somewhere in between. When grabbing it in a different position it does snap properly.

This did not happen before … my assumption is the new moving controls update

  • Pasting in a single part and moving that also seems to no longer rotate back to the grid automatically (* edit fixed this

  • Moving this bookshelf model with a primarypart doesn’t snap to the grid either, instead it seems to create some kind of local grid depending on the part that’s held by the cursor.

I also noticed that cloning a part no longer spawns it on top, but inside. When there’s a part on top of it however, the cloned bottom part will spawn on top again…
Even more surprising, it does this with a part that’s 2 studs thick, but not 1.

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