Dragger Alignment Quirks

Recently, I’ve been having issues with the dragger causing bizarre misalignments when using the Select option. Rather than staying consistent with the increment, it will occasionally function on a completely different grid that’s offset by an arbitrary number. I’ve flipped on and off every setting related to draggers to see if they’re causing this, but none have affected it.

I’ve attached a video of this problem occurring in a completely new Studio file.

The strange offset numbers:

I think it’s because you are grabbing the WedgePart by the diagonal face. You can see that the spot you grab is 1 stud (your move increment) along the face of the diagonal, which isn’t aligned to a 1 stud grid on the WedgePart. That’s what is aligning to the Baseplate behind it.
If you grab the non-diagonal faces the alignment goes back to 1 stud from the square edges.

Is there a way to disable this? It’s pretty annoying and I have found very little use for it

It does allow you to align different shapes to the surface you choose.

There’s information about it here: Dragger QoL Improvements Enabled by Default

I’m experiencing the same issue Cylinder scaling and snapping acting up - #3 by milanomaster
Can’t find any setting to disable this and get the proper snapping back

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