As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to read Russian correctly in comments, It looks more like greek, the И looks like a U, the д looks like a flipped version of б, г looks like a flipped s
I can’t read russian properly without having to treat it like Greek Letters
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I can understand russian easier when I try to read it without having to read it weirdly because it would look less like Greek
I don’t know any russian, but he is saying that the comments don’t appear as he expects. He understands that keywords need to be in english, but he is talking about commented code.
I’m talking about commented code, not in normal code
wow, you want me to read russian like in Greek? The uppercase seems fine, but the lowercase doesn’t
в чащах юга жил бы цитрус? да, но фальшивый экземпляръ
-- в чащах юга жил бы цитрус? да, но фальшивый экземпляръ
if not placed at comments, it appears fine, but if placed at comments it appears weird (im doing this as an example), but uppercase letters appear fine
yeah cool whatever but you as another poster said that’s how the language is in italic. There’s no point in writing comments in Cyrillic letters if you know english
any russian speaker would be able to understand written Cyrillic. It’s good to know the language in question before you make a bug report related to what you think is incorrect.
honestly seems like some sort of flex that he knows Russian and Greek. He always goes to resources and complains because it doesn’t support Russian/greek
I have access to the russian category, and I am still trying to learn russian, and I don’t want to treat it like greek
@gitrog I could get confused between Russian and English and Greek as they’re too similar to each other, There’s no way lowercase Ge (г) looks like a flipped S, the I (и) is a backwards N, not a U
Greek and Russian has letters that look too much like each other
In greek, It can make special sounds if placed behind a letter, but makes the normal “G” sound if kappa is placed after, but in russian, it always makes the normal “G” sound
They look the same but sounds different, the greek “H” makes the “I” sound, where in russian, it makes the “N” sound
They look slightly different but it still counts as they look like each other
In greek, It always makes the “O” sound, but in russian, it can make the “A” sound
In greek, it makes the “E” sound, but in russian, It can make the “E” sound but it can make the “Ye” sound like in the word “Yet”
In greek, it makes the “ch” sound, but in russian, it makes the “kh” sound, but they also both romanize as “H”
“from Serbia”, bro serbian is also written in the latin script, and I think 75% of serbian speakers use the latin version
Serbian Cyrillic
Serbian Latin
Хвала вам.
Hvala vam.
Zdravo svima,
Здраво свима,
It does resemble greek, the Ve looks like the the greek letter Beta (βΒ)
the A looks like a 1-1 copy of the greek letter Alpha (Αα)
but it’s way weird, the Te looks like a M at lowercase (russian has a letter that looks like the english M and it makes the M sound)
the Ge looks like a flipped S but it’s a 1-1 copy of uppercase Gamma (Γ)
the I looks like a “u” but it looks like an “ū” or a “ŭ” if it’s a “Short I” [It’s called “Short I” but it makes the Y sound like in the word “Boy”]
the Pe looks like a “n” but it’s a 1-1 copy of the uppercase greek letter Pi (Π)
the De looks like the flipped Be (some people write it like lowercase Delta [δ])
also it appears fine in the script editor, it’s not only readability, but to match the script editor’s comment appearance
Просто скажи, що ти не вмієш читати кирилицею. Так, кирилиця була заснована на грецькому алфавіті, тому є багато подібностей. Але кирилиця пишеться інакше, вона не зовсім ідентична. Все, що ти описав як проблема, нормально. Я обіцяю тобі, кожен, хто вміє читати кирилицею, зможе прочитати те, що я написав.
You don’t need to describe to me how writing in Cyrillic works as some sort of problem. Trust me, I know how to write in Cyrillic.
Also, I speak Serbian. Serbian is digraphic, the official script of the Republic of Serbia is Cyrillic, and it is used for all official use, but many people choose to use Latin colloquially, especially in online or international spaces, as generally, Croatians and Bosnians can’t read Cyrillic. You don’t need to explain it to me, because I know the language. But yes, т is written as т, it is distinct from м. The same with г г, и и, й й, п п, and д д. This is the standard Italic/handwriting script for the Cyrillic alphabet, for practically every language that uses the Cyrillic alphabet. It’s not a bug, you just don’t know Cyrillic.
English has something similar and it depends on the font. Look out for double-storey ‘a’ vs the ‘alpha’ you find in Greek.
Some fonts use the double-storey ‘a’ when not italicised and then turn into ‘alpha’ when they are italicised (e.g. Times New Roman). Others do not, such as Arial and the current font used on Discord.