Da Hood-Inspired Logo?

Owner didn’t want it so sorta freestyled to make the most out of it, not my best work but would love to hear your feedback! Now that I think about it text looks like a trading simulator :rofl:
As always, yours sincerely,
Wolfyyy :wolf:

The logo seems to pop too much, make it blend in a bit more (but not too much)!


I love the background, The car looks weird. The logo does not blend with everything else.

Honestly this is the best GFX I have ever seen.

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  1. The 2D car doesn’t blend in with the 3D background.
  2. The font of the text is too cartonny.
  3. No effects/actions

But the character head is good


I feel like the car is the biggest issue
If you could fix that, it would be so much better

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It looks fine but maybe fix the palette a bit, it’s hard to see the words and the lighting like the overall feel of it is too harsh.

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It’s fine. The only problem I have is how it’s the day. I feel like a dark scenery would be better

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Okay will do thanks for the advice!

Okay so like night time with maybe sirens reflecting on wall?

Okay so the car is actually 3D but I guess from the angle it looks 2D and I will DEFINETLY change the text! tysm

Thank you for the feedback I will edit it soon!