Dagger Blender 3D Model Feedback

I made this dagger for fun what do you guys think? It took me around 1 hour to model and texture it.


Looks great! I like the simplicity and the style.
I cant tell if you have roblox textures or custom ones it looks super good.
a little curious how you did your textures.


Thanks! I textured the dagger using Substance Painter and for the wood I just got one from Texture Haven.


For a second, I thought this was real until I read what you said! It looks amazing.


Thanks man I appreciate it! :))


Looks great! I can tell that took a while lol. I wouldn’t be able to do something like that, thats for sure, I can barely model some things that are just simple shapes.

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I thought this was Real for a second!
I love the model.

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Thanks dude I appreciate it! It took a while to make it look realistic.

the handguard/ cross guard should be less thick. make it less sharp, a little more curvy, make it have cuts and stuff, etc.

I was just following a reference photo and that’s how it looked in the picture.

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I honesly though it was some random picture you got online lol.

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Oh wow thanks! I tried to make it realistic