Daily Spins break TOS?

I was thinking of implementing a daily reward system in my game that grants a free daily spin. The players would be allowed to purchase more spins for robux, this is in a lot of front page simulators right now but is it considered gambling?

I don’t know if it’s enforced or not I’d just like to know your guy’s input on it.

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For input from the readers, I would use a poll and replies, so here’s a poll:

What do you think about buying more spins (in a simulator)with Robux?
  • Like it
  • Neutral/no opinion
  • Don’t like it
  • Hate it

0 voters

But I don’t like it, since you have to spend money and STILL have a chance of NOT GETTING THE ITEM YOU WANTED.

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Many other games have added this feature before, though if you’re adding a pay aspect onto it make sure you put “Paid Random Items” checked on in the game rating questionnaire. But no, its not against TOS.

I appreciate that! Helps clear it up, thanks brotha

you’re implementing a random item generator which are illegal in some countries, regardless if it is tied to Robux, so you will have to fetch info from the PolicyService API for each player to read the boolean ‘ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted’ before allowing the user to interact with the spin wheel.


If it does, then you better report all those blinding simulators.

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As long as it’s specified on the chances of getting specific items in-game, then it should be alright!

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