Damage Script doesnt work

I wanted to try to make a damage script for when an npc touches a player they take damage. So I wrote my own script but it only damaged the player once. When I wrote it differently it didn’t damage the player at all.

Desperate for help I looked up on the dev forum or youtube tutorials but none of them worked or was related to what I wanted to add.

Here is the script I used. Its not really my own because I tried to look on dev forum and youtube for help. But yeah, you get the idea.

--local lhand = script.Parent.LeftHand
local rhand = script.Parent.RightHand

local function onTouch(otherPart)
	local hum = otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if hum then


Are you getting an error? You commented out lhand in this code snippet which would error since you are referencing it in the last line.


I’m not getting an error.
Should I remove the lhand?

Where is this script in the explorer?

Is that the whole script? We aren’t able to see if you defined torso either. Is this script a server script or a local script?

You know I think I should just start over. Either way thanks for the help.

If you’re using R15, then there isn’t a torso part which is breaking the script. It’s UpperTorso and LowerTorso

Thanks it worked. I altogether removed the torso part and it worked. :happy1: