Damping issue? with spring constraints on a custom vehicle suspension

I’ve been working on a basic vehicle suspension and controller.
I’ve managed to get the tuning just how I want it in most aspects, but I’m having an issue with the springs. I think it’s an issue with damping but I’ve played around with it quite a bit. Reducing damping makes the issue worse, increasing the damping eventually reaches a point where the springs just aren’t able to solve at all.

When turning, the springs have no issues. When driving straight, the car begins to rock.

Spring Configuration:


-- An attempt to solve this issue using dynamic damping based on steering.
RunService.Stepped:Connect(function(_, dt)
	local currentAngle = math.abs(steeringMotor.CurrentAngle)
	local targetDamping = normalizeRange(currentAngle, 0, 30, 800, 400)

	for _, spring in pairs(Springs) do
		local currentDamping = spring.Damping
		local target = dampingTargets[spring]
		-- Update the target
		dampingTargets[spring] = targetDamping
		-- Smoothly interpolate damping towards the target
		spring.Damping = currentDamping + (target - currentDamping) * (dt / smoothingTime)