Dance & Jump Animations needed [Still Looking]

Good Morning.

I need someone to make some custom animations for me. I can pay.

  1. Custom dance animations - 70’s Disco style
  2. Custom funky jump while running animation

I am looking for an animator to make some custom dances. I am fairly new at developing and scripting and the overall Roblox platform all together. I have made 4 custom animations to date, but they are pretty bad. I am working on the game all alone so I do not want to spend all my time perfecting my animation talent just yet since I’m doing everything else. I need someone who has more experience to make me some custom dance animations for the game I am currently working on.

The theme is Disco 70’s and I really want some 70 style dances. Staying Alive would be on the top of the list for one of the dances, ya know John Travolta style. :slight_smile: If you don’t know what that is just go look up a youtube video, “John Travolta, Staying Alive, Saturday Night Fever.” I’m only pointing it out because some of you are young so you may not be too familiar with it. lol

I also would like some type of fun and funky forward flip that can be done while running.

The idea is that the player can equip or purchase the dances I offer and remove them while playing the game. I imagine once the animations are created I will own the dance ID to script / add! them into the game.

I’ve attached some pics of the game in progress


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