Danger Zone [ALPHA TESTING] Progress

Hello, fellow developers!
As some of you may have noticed, I and my partner @Bloxynet are working on a new upcoming game called Danger Zone which is described as a survival MMO game in a different spectrum than ever seen before.
You’re supposed to collect historical artifacts around the map while being hunted by many dangers like radioactivity, wild animals, or acid rain. Your goal is to scale your character and your customizable pawnshop and apartment (which will be added after the BETA version) and become the best on the global leaderboard! The game is currently in the ALPHA testing stage and we’re releasing full ALPHA this month.
We would like to sincerely invite you to our game and watch the progress from the closest view!
Ideas, bug reports, everything is welcomed with open hands <3



Hire some dudes to make a real trailer, i can’t be attracted by the trailer since there were none of things called “Danger”, it just look like a peaceful, dirty hometown

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We’re searching for an animator to work on the video, but It’s quite a hard task, but we agree on that.
However, the wild animals and acid rains aren’t added yet, everything will be there after the alpha version.