Dark Mode "Advertisement" is Hard to See

All advertisements have two words underneath them: A report button for inappropriate ads and some text telling you that the image is an advertisement. This can be found to the bottom left.

However, if you have dark mode instead of light mode on, “Advertisement” is virtually invisible.

Please make the text of a lighter shade, such as the one used in “Report.”

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would be helpful in that I’d have the ability to make out the word Advertisement.

I’m not sure if this should be a bug or a feature request, but since this feels more like a mistake or an unintentional situation I’ll categorize this under bugs for the time being.


Thank you for bringing this up @M_caw, we’ll look into this!


I am noticing the same thing, this seems like a CSS miscolor.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Please note that filling a bug report does not guarantee that it will be fixed once triaged.


There are very abusive advertisements popping up recently which abuse this feature to it’s fullest. It is still hard to tell at first glance if I’m looking at a polished front page game or one that was just sponsored. Kids can especially be easily decepted.

Using this method, games can even trick users into also thinking their game is much more popular and positively rated than in reality, as they can add whatever statistics they like!

This is honestly much more important than just readability, please look into this!

Screenshot below shows an example (Not mine:)


Oh wow. Yeah, it’s hard to see the word ‘advertisement’. Roblox will need to fix this, or at least moderate the advertisements that are abusing the dark mode.


Hi again-

I just found something similar.

It was quite annoying to see, but it reminded me of this post so I thought I’d share. :slightly_smiling_face:


So here’s what would happen if a little kid saw this ad:

  1. They find that their favorite Youtuber has friended them, somehow. They tell their parents/friends that they got friended by a big youtuber. They click on the “profile” to confirm this finding.

  2. It leads them to the game, of which they may assume that this Youtuber is actually sponsoring this game. Unlike the “Accept this friend request” ads, these look scarily realistic.

  3. They go to the friends list to find out that they actually are not the Youtuber’s friend, and either feel misled or betrayed.

This is an extremely deceptive ad, and it has such a simple fix.


Yea I agree. Roblox should add a border around all ads so it is clear that it is an ad and not what you have shown in the ad in the image above. Something like this:


Just adding this because it hasn’t been visually shown in the replies above, you can see how hard it is to see the “advertisement” label in dark mode.



Last I checked, this kind of ad is actually against the rules, unless Roblox allows false celebrity endorsements and fake buttons that aim to mislead now.

The fact that the “ADVERTISEMENT” text is black on very dark grey isn’t helping this at all either.


Yeah. I’ve been seeing plenty of these types of ads now that I switched to dark mode. I think Roblox should up their moderation and take closer looks at these ads. I know it sounds childish of me, but I report every single one of them, not that it’ll make a change or anything.


thing is, the iframe displaying the ad doesn’t know if you’re in dark or light mode

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So, what about changing the color to something that isn’t black, like red? Knowing whether a user is in dark or light mode shouldn’t matter in this case.

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Or even a shade of gray would work as well.


i doubt it’ll happen, as most of the roblox page is b&w (remember, they removed the red from the logo, why would they add red text)

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Then just use a shade of grey?