Dash/Rush Attack Knockback Issues... PLEASE HELP

So i am trying to make an attafk where you dash , and at the end of the dash you do an explosion, however if you happen to hit someone while dashing, you drag the other player to the explosion spot… Now everything works well, except for the dash… when I have my scripts dash velocities maxforce set to math.huge it works well as displayed here ( the problem is for the dash velocity not moving the player up velocity ) :

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however when its vector.new(40000,40000,40000) it doesnt work, and the player stands still, all ive done is changed one varaible and it doesnt work, heres that video

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Additionally, sometimes when the player uses the body velocity they just randomly goes to the other side of the map, i was wondering if this had to do with the welds i was using for the hitbox of the dash and explosion as well as the weld connecting the client to the victim, but all of them were deleted in previous scripts and i havent found a consistnat trigger for the player to move that far , its just random.

btw your normally invisble during the dash duratoin but for the sake of debugging ive made your transparency 0, hence the uglier effect but if u had sugggestions on improving the effect lmk.