Hello Developer, I’m working on a player avatar data export between the lobby and the main game. I wanted to use the same data transfer system as ItsMueeb (as in catalog Avatar). However, I’m having problems with the export (script finds clothes, accessories and hair, but not bundle body parts and skin colors), especially the re-application of the clothes is a problem… but what bothers me most is the application of player characters (application of body parts from different bundles)
my system is almost dead because new errors keep cropping up, and if I’m honest I don’t want this system anymore, so can someone explain (if possible in detail) how to write scripts that correctly export all parts of the player (bundle parts, clothes, accessories, hair and skin colors) and correctly apply them in the next game?
Who knows if OP is already using the humanoid description system. You need only serialize the player’s humanoid description and upload it to a memory-store for server-sided data transfer during a teleport
Data serialization is in no way expensive. I can’t imagine why you’d want to avoid doing it; it’s a one-time operation when leaving the current server and entering the new server. Writing to a data-store each time the player’s avatar is modified is redundant in that manner. In any case, writing to a data-store requires you to use UTF-8 encodable values. You would just end up with an informal serialization
When i said save it to a datastore i did not mean every time its changed
I meant saving it in a table that then gets saved to the datastore when the player leaves (duhh)
And you need the server to apply the avatar changes eitherway; might aswell save it
You could get problems with the player’s character not being present when they leave due to other scripts
You can reliably retrieve information about a player’s character before the player leaves the server through Player.CharacterRemoving. It’s up to OP whether or not they choose to serialize the player’s appearance over the period of editing their avatar—they will need to define a SerDes (serializer/deserializer) anways so the information can be translate to and from a HumanoidDescription