Data store errors and such

I am not sure if this is the right place in order to post something about this. If it is the wrong place, let me know so that I can post this to the right place. So, there are errors that I am receiving from the output that I have never seen before such as the errors in the screenshot.

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Well we can’t really help you without the code,
But from what I’ve seen in the errors, you cannot access data stores from LocalScripts, or Modules required by a LocalScript.

They’re all from some plugins that you have installed (Plugins have the traceback starting with cloud_)

In this case, the plugins are:

Would it be best to uninstall the plugins?

I have a script for a player’s leaderstats but I didn’t work with the saving part at all

I believe I understand, I will try and fix it. Thank you!

Also learned that _cloud is because of plugins too

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