--[ Services ]
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
--[ Data ]
local PlayerData = DataStore:GetDataStore("PlayerData")
--[ Variables ]
local Values = {}
local Player_Manager = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return 0 end})
--[ Load Data ]
function UserAddedToServer(Client)
local self = Instance.new("Folder", Client)
self.Name = "leaderstats"
for _Index = 1, 2 do table.insert(Values, Instance.new("IntValue", self)) end
if #Values > 0 then
Values[1].Name = "Gems đź’Ž"
Values[2].Name = "Rebirth ⛏"
end local Data
local Loaded, Errored = pcall(function()
Data = PlayerData:GetAsync(Client.UserId)
end) if not Loaded then return error({Client}) else
for _Index, V in ipairs(Values) do V.Value = Data end
--[ Save Data ]
function UserLeftTheServer(Client) local Values = {}
for _Index, V in ipairs(Values) do table.insert(Client.leaderstats, V) end
local Saved, Errored = pcall(function()
PlayerData:SetAsync(Client.UserId, Values)
end) if not Saved then return {Client} end
--[ Call Methods ]
Why are you using metatables? Metatables are unnecessary, and you should not have the need to insert a player’s leaderstats into an array. By doing so, your code looks confusing.
Also, you are overcomplicating pcalls with the way you are using them currently. You can simpify this section:
-- Original
local Data
local Loaded, Errored = pcall(function()
Data = PlayerData:GetAsync(Client.UserId)
-- Simplified
local success, response = pcall(PlayerData.GetAsync, PlayerData, Client.UserId)
In the simplified version, success indicates if the data was successfully fetched, and response is either the player data or the error message.
You can do the same when saving too:
-- Original
local Saved, Errored = pcall(function()
PlayerData:SetAsync(Client.UserId, Values)
local success, response = pcall(PlayerData.SetAsync, PlayerData, Client.UserId, Values)
Also, your code is quite confusing due to the weird formatting. Ideally, you should only have one statement per line.