Data store set same key limits

In Roblox documentation it is mentioned that for set methods on same key, the cool down is 6 seconds. Is this cool down limit per server or across the game experience?

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I hope I understand your question, but it is across game experience. So if you don’t use Profile Service or anything, then players can lose data from rejoining too fast.

The tutorial I made for Profile Service:

Not sure why you are linking Profile service here.

Is you answer based on assumption or did you experienced this issue?

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Yes. The text below the heading specifies that it is experience-wide, not server-wide.

It takes a player more than 6 seconds to leave and re-join a game so you shouldn’t worry about per-key requests being added to a queue.

Storing data with DataStoreService will work just fine if you manage it correctly. I usually call the :GetAsync() method when a player joins, and the :SetAsync() method when the player leaves. The documentation specifies that setting and getting data have their own request budgets. These budgets on setting and getting data,
60 + numPlayers Ă— 10, allow you to set data to a unique key every second with one player and every 0.3 seconds with 20 players. This is the same with getting data.

I have. I made Creeper Chaos, and I dealt with data loss for over a month before learning how to do Profile Service. But now, you can learn how to do it now, instead of learning it alone. That tutorial will help you.

Thanks! Somehow this information is not present in old documentation.
Data Stores (

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