Data Storing in 2025

Hi all,

I was just wondering what the best option is for saving data in 2025? I looked into ProfileService, but it seems partially outdated, I’ve also come across ProfileStore but I’m not too sure.
If you know of any reliable, versatile and flexible data storing methods feel free to share below!

Have a good day :slight_smile:

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I am using Suphi’s Datastore module
Its really good and its simple and easy to understand.


Data storing is down to preference.

Some Scripters enjoy ProfileService, while others don’t. There is no right or wrong way to store data, if its your game, your job, and your script, you work how you want to.

However, when working with other people, I would recommend using a popular Data Saving Module such as ProfileStore since most Scripters know what this is, and when you would like to showcase your work to people, it makes it easier for other Scripters to recognise, however, I would confer with your team on what would be the preference.

Still though, explore! See what cool modules you can find :slight_smile:

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I personally write my own Datastore modules because it allows me to have granular control over the exact features I want for my projects. Not saying things like ProfileService are bad, but they are bloated with a bunch of general purpose features and I don’t necessarily need for my specific usecases.

Writing your own also allows you to gain experience with DataStores instead of relying on other people’s code you don’t know and won’t read, allowing you to not treat DataStores as a mysterious black box & instead get familiar with databases and how they work.


Totally agree with Ransom, writing your own datastore module is always better.

Relying on other modules will not give you a long term stability, since the dependency can either be discontinued or poorly maintained.

Custom integrations are also easier todo


Hi, thanks for the heads up. I definitely agree for the experience part and I would definitely love to make my own one day.

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