“ProfileStore” by loleris
(Successor module to ProfileService)
ProfileStore is a Roblox DataStore wrapper that streamlines auto-saving, session locking and a few other features for the game developer. ProfileStore’s source code runs on a single ModuleScript.
Read documentation here:
ProfileStore wiki (Click me)
Get the module here:
Roblox library (Click me)
Tutorials on YouTube:
ProfileStore overview, leaderstats and data interface (click here) by @Rileybytes
Secure Developer Product handling with ProfileStore (click here) by @Rileybytes
Consider donating R$ to the creator of ProfileStore (Click here) if you find this resource helpful!
How does it work?
ProfileStore loads and caches data from a DataStore key on a single Roblox game server and prevents other game servers from accessing this data too soon by establishing a session lock and handling session lock conflicts between servers swiftly all while not using too many DataStore and MessagingService API calls.
Data units saved by ProfileStore are called “profiles” which can be accessed in-game by starting a “session”. During an active session you gain access to a table (Profile.Data
) which will either be saved to the DataStore on the next auto-save or when you manually end the session.
ProfileStore is primarily player-data-oriented and, by design, tweaked for a common use case where each game player would have a single profile dedicated to storing their game progress. Session locking addresses the issue of data access from more than one game server (which can cause item “dupes” in games with trading) by keeping track of which game server is currently caching data and gracefully switches ownership from one server to the other without failing new session requests. ProfileStore can still be used for non-player data storage, although ProfileStore’s session locking is not ideal for quick writing from several game servers.
ProfileStore’s module functions try to resemble the Roblox API for a sense of familiarity to Roblox developers. Methods with the Async
keyword yield until a result is ready (e.g. :StartSessionAsync()
), while others do not.
ProfileStore is not designed (and never will be) for in-game leaderboards or any kind of global state.
Changes from ProfileService
ProfileStore is a successor to ProfileService - it uses a very similar mechanism for handling session locks which has been improved to be more responsive at handling conflicts between servers. Here’s a list of significant changes:
Default auto-save period increased from 30 to 300 seconds - Nearly x10 fewer DataStore calls consume less server resources which means more scalability! ProfileStore relies on auto-saves to store latest data and resolve session conflicts in a single
call. With the addition of MessagingService, ProfileStore can now auto-save slower while still reacting to external game servers trying to take the session lock. Under normal circumstances ProfileStore should outperform ProfileService in session conflict resolution time! -
More performance, more server-friendly -
helps resolve session conflicts much faster. ProfileStore tries to strain Roblox services less when things inevitably do go wrong with exponential backoff, timeouts and cancel conditions. -
Outdated 7 second DataStore queue replaced - An internal DataStore API call queue is needed to ensure calls are satisfied in order. Roblox DataStores have changed since ProfileService was released and the 7 second queue was replaced with a queue that performs calls to the same DataStore key as soon as all previous calls finish.
Luau types for autocompletion - This will help make fewer typos while writing code with ProfileStore.
API cleanup - Function and variable names have been changed to be shorter and more conventional.
removed in favor ofProfile.LastSavedData
- MetaTags has been a piece of data exclusively used to verify data that has been successfully saved to the DataStore.Profile.LastSavedData
will also satisfy this purpose - every timeProfile.Data
is saved to the DataStore,Profile.LastSavedData
will be updated with the version ofProfile.Data
that has been successfully saved to the DataStore. -
New profile messaging system replacing
- GlobalUpdates was a complicated system for writing to profiles regardless of whether a server is currently running a session for them.ProfileStore:MessageAsync()
is much easier to use and has fast delivery time by utilizing MessagingService. Use this for features like in-game player gifting where data delivery is crucial. -
signals - Useful for altering and reacting to data along ProfileStore’s DataStore requests.
Should I switch from ProfileService (the older module)?
ProfileStore hasn’t been used a lot in production yet, but has been thoroughly tested by similar tools that allowed ProfileService to stay mostly bug-free. Use this at your own risk and forward any bugs to the creator of this module - we’ll try to fix bugs super quickly!
It might be a good idea to let old projects keep using ProfileService and start using ProfileStore for brand new ones, but if you’re feeling risky…
ProfileStore DataStore profiles are backwards-compatible with ProfileService! ProfileService profiles should load from the DataStore using the same keys in ProfileStore without issue, but ProfileService (the older module) might have issues loading the same profiles again if you start using ProfileStore:MessageAsync()
(on the new module). You should first do Roblox studio tests with API access before pushing this change live.
Example code:
local ProfileStore = require(game.ServerScriptService.ProfileStore)
-- The PROFILE_TEMPLATE table is what new profile "Profile.Data" will default to:
Cash = 0,
Items = {},
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local PlayerStore = ProfileStore.New("PlayerStore", PROFILE_TEMPLATE)
local Profiles: {[player]: typeof(PlayerStore:StartSessionAsync())} = {}
local function PlayerAdded(player)
-- Start a profile session for this player's data:
local profile = PlayerStore:StartSessionAsync(`{player.UserId}`, {
Cancel = function()
return player.Parent ~= Players
-- Handling new profile session or failure to start it:
if profile ~= nil then
profile:AddUserId(player.UserId) -- GDPR compliance
profile:Reconcile() -- Fill in missing variables from PROFILE_TEMPLATE (optional)
Profiles[player] = nil
player:Kick(`Profile session end - Please rejoin`)
if player.Parent == Players then
Profiles[player] = profile
print(`Profile loaded for {player.DisplayName}!`)
-- EXAMPLE: Grant the player 100 coins for joining:
profile.Data.Cash += 100
-- You should set "Cash" in PROFILE_TEMPLATE and use "Profile:Reconcile()",
-- otherwise you'll have to check whether "Data.Cash" is not nil
-- The player has left before the profile session started
-- This condition should only happen when the Roblox server is shutting down
player:Kick(`Profile load fail - Please rejoin`)
-- In case Players have joined the server earlier than this script ran:
for _, player in Players:GetPlayers() do
task.spawn(PlayerAdded, player)
local profile = Profiles[player]
if profile ~= nil then
Other resources:
Replica - A server to client state replication solution - Can be useful in combination with ProfileStore!
Sera - A bare-bones schematized serialization library - Can be useful for creating custom high efficiency replication (For advanced coders)