Data Storing players appearance?

I was wondering if there’s a possible way to make player look like before with Data Store. Since I made a Character Customization System, it would be annoying to manually change back every time you rejoined.

I can do it but I’m just wondering if there’s a simpler way. I am not really sure how do I save hats, armour, hair and colour. I just need a simple codes which could be explained to every detail. For example, if I click on the hair button, hair should show on the rig and when I click “Done”, that’s how will my player always look like.

Thank you!

Exactly what type of customization system is this? Is it like entering a catalog ID or is it premade clothing in-game?

Sorry, I misread the last part unintentionally.

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In my opinion, it would be best to assign the clothing types and variations to an identifier(not sure if that’s the right name for it)


-Gold = 3
-Silver = 2
-Bronze = 1

-Type 1 = 1
-Type 2 = 2
-Type 3 = 3

Hair Color(Considering all the hair types will have the same color options):
-Red = 1
-Orange = 2
-Yellow = 3

I need a save system. When players clicks “Done” when customizing and if he leaves and joins back he will have that same character as he customized before.

Basically what she was saying to do is assign each customized object a numbwr ID, save those to the datastore, and then when loading the data store let the IDs tell your script what to load. Hope that made sense, if not let me know.

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Development Support is not the place to ask for snippets of code, it is intended for you to get help on the creation of something. Have you attempted this yourself at the very least?

It is not entirely possible to save a player’s appearance raw. You will have to save values that can be used to reference what a character needs for their appearance (save a number called HairType which determines what shape the hair should be when the character is constructed).


Thanks for help. This is what I needed actually.