Data viewer - Feedback

Hey forum,

I wanted to show a data viewer I made.
It looks for all keys used in your place and then shows them to the user:

Then you can click on the keys of the data stores, and it will show you all the keys that are used on that data store:

These keys can be pressed to show you all the data in that key:

This blue button you see here is in the right bottom corner by default but can be dragged around. To open the data viewer, click the button:

The goal of this UI is to make developers able to add it to their game and quickly look at the data that is accessible in their game. Even during just a test of gameplay on the Roblox servers themselves.

kind of like an admin dashboard for your datastores. It currently doesn’t work with scoped datastores.

Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts and get some ideas to improve it.


The GUI looks good! I’d make a thin black outline around all the white text though.

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Looks good, but are Developers supposed to close the UI by clicking on the blue button?

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yeah, the blue button is a open/close button that you can drag to make sure its never in the way.

Would be useful for Developers so they don’t have a button just sticking on a side of their screen, It’s a good touch to the GUI. :smile:

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