DataMate (Free Beta) - Allows developers to take full control over their DataStores

BulkBrains | DataMate

Free Beta

Allows developers to take full control over their DataStores

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Around a year and a half ago now I got intrested in the Roblox Open Cloud, specifically the use of datastores. Ever since then I’ve been devleoping DataMate which was mostly a project for myself. But at the start of last year I decided I would try to make it public for all developers, you may have seen my previous DataMate software which served the same purpose however it was ridden with errors and bugs specifically when it came to larger games. This is the main problem I decided to address with the new version. This is the old version for reference: DataMate - Gain Full Control Over Your DataStores Via The Web - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox. After the success and positive feedback along with the bug reports :upside_down_face: I decided to update it from scratch also using new V2 API’s. The previous version of DataMate was used in games totaling 50+ million visits, 300+ games and 500+ developers.


With DataMate you have access to the following features for your datastores:

  • Standard DataStores
  • Ordered DataStores
  • List DataStores
  • Search DataStores
  • Snapshot DataStores
  • List Entries
  • Search Entries
  • Get Entries
  • Get Entry Metadata
  • Set Entry
  • Delete Entries
  • Increment Entries
  • Edit Entries

Still not 100% sure what it is? Think of it as a web based version of the DataStore Editor plugin with more features.

Whats New?

So whats new with this version of DataMate compared to the old one.

  • Ordered DataStores are fully supported as well as Standard DataStores
  • Ability to handle experiences which had more DataStores than those that hit the Rescource Exhausted limit
  • Ability to Search DataStores
  • Ability to Search Enties
  • Snapshotting DataStores

Getting Started

Please see the #resources:community-tutorials for detailed support videos:

So what are you waiting for?

Join hundreds of other developers with games totaling to over 100 million visits! Don't worry, you're in safe hands.

BulkBrains DataMate ToolBox

I hope you find DataMate helpful.
Please let me know of any issues or suggestions or if you encounter any issues.
