Found here, is my new admins commands, which I originally planned on making for the Mobile Bloxxers, a war group that needed better admin commands, and it ended up turning into a much bigger project.
I’ve spent the last few weeks working on this, and now I have made the full release, with many more future updates to come. Anyways, try the testing area here. If you find any bugs to the admin, report it to me.
This admin was designed to work with FilteringEnabled, as well as be useful for war clans and such. Meaning none of those nooby commands.
Here’s an overview of the features:
- Multiple commands in one line
;respawn all!joe;give joe sword
This will respawn everyone but joe, and give joe a sword in 1 command.
- Keybinds, delayed commands, and aliases.
;bind e delay 1 help
When “E” is pressed, it will wait 1 second, then run the command “help” which is an alias of “commands”
- Awesome alias syntax
;setalias sword give <1> sword
Then when you run
;sword me
It will give “me”, the "<1>"st argument a sword.
Epic gui design
I would do screenshots, but just look at this place if you want to see what I mean. -
And it’s readable!
That’s right, I think this is the first admin commands that have readable code with a usable API that allows you to make your own commands, while still keeping the commands in the ever auto-updating admin script.