Hi there,
My Datastore keep causing my game to crash when I stop test playing in studio
Is there any way to prevent this? This is mostly caused by me saving the player inventory,
Thanks a lot
Hi there,
My Datastore keep causing my game to crash when I stop test playing in studio
Is there any way to prevent this? This is mostly caused by me saving the player inventory,
Thanks a lot
Please provide the part of your script that manages storing data for when player leaves or/and when server shuts down. It seems you’re saving data too many times, so it’s most likely a logical error in the script.
--.. Random Code
local InvItemsData = InventoryItemsData:GetAsync(player.UserId)
if InventoryItemsData then
print("Past Inventory Data Retrieved")
LoadInv:FireClient(player, InvItemsData)
print("No Existing For Inventory, Data will be created when Aura is equipped")
LocalScript when they recieve the
LoadInv:FireClient(player, InvItemsData)
for _, item in InventoryTable do
This looks like the part that retrieves data, but I think the problem lies in the part that saves it so could you provide that part? The part that does print(“InvItem Saved into Folder”)
This is the Inventory
What happens is that the serverscript puts these all into a table and then saves it as a datastore
And what it prints is just a table
Could you show the part of code that does that? Judging by the warning your script does too many saving requests.
most of it’s just random code
local function SerilizeObj(Table)
local InvList = {}
for _, v in Table do
table.insert(InvList, v.Name)
return InvList
SaveInventoryEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player: Player, InvItem: string, DeletingItem: BoolValue)
if not DeletingItem then
--// Addition Of An Aura to the Inventory
local NewInvItem = Instance.new("StringValue")
NewInvItem.Name = InvItem
if game.ServerScriptService["All_Player's_Inv"]:FindFirstChild(player.UserId) == nil then
print("New Folder Created")
local PlayerFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
PlayerFolder.Name = player.UserId
PlayerFolder.Parent = game.ServerScriptService["All_Player's_Inv"]
print("InvItem Saved into Folder")
NewInvItem.Parent = game.ServerScriptService["All_Player's_Inv"][player.UserId]
local PlayerAuraTable = game.ServerScriptService["All_Player's_Inv"][player.UserId]:GetChildren()
InventoryItemsData:SetAsync(player.UserId, SerilizeObj(PlayerAuraTable))
--// Deletion of a InvItem
if game.ServerScriptService["All_Player's_Inv"]:FindFirstChild(player.UserId) == nil then
warn("Player Folder is nil While Trying To Request an InvItem Deletion")
local ItemDeletion = game.ServerScriptService["All_Player's_Inv"]:FindFirstChild(player.UserId)[InvItem]
this runs every time the player gets a new item, which can range from 0.8 seconds to 0.1 seconds,
yeah uh i think i foudn the problem
Yeah that seems to be the problem. First of all, this runs when a remote event is fired? This is not secure at all, try doing stuff like that only on the server, and never trust the client.
The problem is that you’re using SetAsync way too much, whilst it’s generally supposed to be used only when the player leaves the game, maybe also happen ever X minutes to prevent total data loss if server crashes.
Instead you need to store player data in a table, and whenever you need to amend a player’s data you change those values in that table. Then you use SetAsync if the player wants to leave, in which case you simply tell DataStore to store that table where you’ve been keeping track of player data.
what should I use instead of SetAsync then
is fine you’re just using it too frequently, you don’t need to save a player’s inventory every time they receive a new item, just save it periodically (every 5-10 minutes or so) and when they leave the game.
do something like
local playersData = {}
local InvItemsData = InventoryItemsData:GetAsync(player.UserId)
playersData[Player.UserId] = InvItemsData
if InventoryItemsData then
print("Past Inventory Data Retrieved")
LoadInv:FireClient(player, InvItemsData)
print("No Existing For Inventory, Data will be created when Aura is equipped")
then you can change playersData[Player.UserId] to reflect changes to player data and once player leaves
InventoryItemsData:SetAsync(player.UserId, playersData[Player.UserId])
this is greatly simplified but I hope you get the general idea