DataStore Data Limit Increase

Extremely excited to see this got released so soon after it was announced at RDC. I’m still going to compress my data as much as possible, but now I can do it without worries of long-term scalability. Huge props to the team behind this! :smiley:

Edit to add:
Given that this has released, will we potentially see datastore backups/restores actually get released this year? The roadmap has them targeted for Q4 so I’m curious whether the same team or a different team will be working on that project. Backups/restores have the potential to make the bere/DS2 method of saving completely irrelevant, which would be absolutely huge for games like mine.


This great, we will be able to cut down our datastore requests by at least half. :+1:

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This is awesome! Now games can rely more on Robloxs datastores system. This opens up a huge list of good opportunities for developers to make more sophisticated games.

Took you long enough. I waited 5 years for this.

P.S: I can now plan out work on a level editor for my game thanks to this.


This is fantastic! As a frame of reference to how much of an improvement this is, I’m able to compress this build in my game to just around 0.9% of the DataStore Data Limit, whereas before it was 14.6%!

Thank you guys so much!


This is absolutely incredible. Some games have intricate customization options (i.e. avatar editors, build places, houses) that have tons of data and sometimes multiple saves, so this’ll definitely be a huge improvement.


Is the process of storing data at its full speed or there is a pre-set speed for it
For example, will be storing 1mb of data take 1min and 40 secs because the storing speed is 10Kb per sec?

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Did I read that right? 4 MB?!? That’s amazing! Cannot wait to see what we will be able to make with this upgrade!


Yes! This is literally the best thing that could have happened right now. Since I’m making a building game, I have been dreading having to make a data compression system because it’s so complicated to do. This has just made my life so much easier.

Thats 15.625 times more data o:


If you’re storing large data like stuff people have built you will likely still want to do this until a large object store feature comes out.

Adding a compression system will massively increase the amount you can store, and it’s probably less difficult than you think. Even simple dictionary compression is relatively easy to implement (or straight up copy from somewhere else) and makes a big difference.



Even though I have never had a problem using the full 256KB now I don’t have to worry about using it all up with this limit increase.

For any game with a data structure that encompasses a potentially unlimited amount of item accumulation, this is actually really nice. Even with extremely powerful encryption, a single key could really only realistically hold 5000-7000 unique items before it started pushing the limits.

Hopefully temporary data w/ high read/write follows this shortly.


My gosh! It will feel like no limits for a while! This is exciting. Does it take significantly longer to upload 4mb?

Let’s say I shut down all servers and save the data of 50 - 200 players on that server. Will it still reliably save?


An increase in capacity 15-16 times over is absolutely incredible. Just last night, I was working with JSONEncode to compress data into StringValues, and was thinking of working with Stravant’s BitBuffer soon. Maybe I don’t have to anymore?

Regardless, amazing update and thank you to the Roblox staff, devs and technicians behind this.

Ah, yes

Anyway, cool update, which I’m sure will be useful for those who are in need of massive data storage.


Don’t see why this was needed, unless someone is saving 1.3 bibles with each key, this isnt very useful

This saves me from so much code troubleshooting.
This is truly amazing.

I’ve needed something like this for a year! Finally I can store much more data.

Very nice increase, although personally I don’t think I’ll be getting close to needing this much data yet.

Just wondering, what is the significance of this change? Like did you just increase a setting or was there more to it?