I began reworking my DataStore system, because the old one was using a trillion :GetAsync()'s, i wanted to make my DataStore run more efficient.
So i began with the help of a few posts, changing my DataStore script.
First of all, if I join the game, I do not even get the values i’ve set for the players who join for the first time.
Second, if I switch to Server and change one of my values and leave the game, they do not get applied. The output does not show any single error/success message
At first, I had an issue where I had an error with arrays not being supported by the DataStore. So i tried with JSON-Encoding, it resulted me giving a Success message, but it didn’t save my stats. I then realized that there are BrickColor values that the DataStore array might not support so I changed them to IntValues. Since that, nothing worked anymore.
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local myDataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("fbgdata")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local leaderstats = Instance.new('Folder', Player)
leaderstats.Name = 'leaderstats'
local distance = Instance.new('IntValue', leaderstats)
distance.Name = 'Kilometer'
local money = Instance.new('IntValue', leaderstats)
money.Name = "Euro"
local values = Instance.new("Folder", Player)
values.Name = "Values"
local c1 = Instance.new("IntValue", Player)
c1.Name = "car1"
local c2 = Instance.new("IntValue", Player)
c2.Name = "car2"
local bewusstlos = Instance.new("IntValue", Player)
bewusstlos.Name = "bewusstlos"
local lp = Instance.new("Folder", Player.Values)
lp.Name = "licenseplate"
local b = Instance.new("StringValue", Player.Values.licenseplate)
b.Name = "b"
local n = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.Values.licenseplate)
n.Name = "n"
local garage = Instance.new("Folder", Player)
garage.Name = "garage"
local car1 = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage)
car1.Name = "car1"
local car1a = Instance.new("StringValue", Player.garage.car1)
car1a.Name = "trim"
local car1b = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage.car1)
car1b.Name = "color"
local car2 = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage)
car2.Name = "car2"
local car2a = Instance.new("StringValue", Player.garage.car2)
car2a.Name = "trim"
local car2b = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage.car2)
car2b.Name = "color"
local car3 = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage)
car3.Name = "car3"
local car3a = Instance.new("StringValue", Player.garage.car3)
car3a.Name = "trim"
local car3b = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage.car3)
car3b.Name = "color"
local car4 = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage)
car4.Name = "car4"
local car4a = Instance.new("StringValue", Player.garage.car4)
car4a.Name = "trim"
local car4b = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage.car4)
car4b.Name = "color"
local spawnedcars = Instance.new("IntValue", Player.garage)
spawnedcars.Name = "spawnedcars"
local ghljob = Instance.new("Folder", Player.Values)
ghljob.Name = "ghljob"
local ghlveh = Instance.new("Folder", Player.Values.ghljob)
ghlveh.Name = "ghlvehicles"
local ghlxp = Instance.new("NumberValue", Player.Values.ghljob)
ghlxp.Name = "xp"
local conjob = Instance.new("Folder", Player.Values)
conjob.Name = "conjob"
local conveh = Instance.new("Folder", Player.Values.conjob)
conveh.Name = "convehicles"
local conxp = Instance.new("NumberValue", Player.Values.conjob)
conxp.Name = "xp"
local setting = Instance.new("Folder", Player.Values)
setting.Name = "settings"
local rend = Instance.new("NumberValue", Player.Values.settings)
rend.Name = "renddist"
local toSave
local success, err = pcall(function()
toSave = myDataStore:GetAsync("data" ..Player.UserId)
if success and toSave then
if type(toSave) == "table" then
money.Value = toSave[1] or 2000
distance.Value = toSave[2] or 5
b.Value = toSave[3] or string.char(math.random(65,90)) .. string.char(math.random(65,90))
n.Value = toSave[4] or math.random(1,99)
ghlxp.Value = toSave[5] or 0
conxp.Value = toSave[6] or 0
rend.Value = toSave[7] or 2000
car1.Value = toSave[8] or 0
car1a.Value = toSave[9] or "none"
car1b.Value = toSave[10] or 1
car2.Value = toSave[11] or 0
car2a.Value = toSave[12] or "none"
car2b.Value = toSave[13] or 1
car3.Value = toSave[14] or 0
car3a.Value = toSave[15] or "none"
car3b.Value = toSave[16] or 1
car4.Value = toSave[17] or 0
car4a.Value = toSave[18] or "none"
car4b.Value = toSave[19] or 1
rend.Value = toSave[20] or 2000
local toSaveData = {money.Value, distance.Value, b.Value, n.Value, ghlxp.Value, conxp.Value, rend.Value, car1.Value, car1a.Value, car1b.Value, car2.Value, car2a.Value, car2b.Value, car3.Value, car3a.Value, car3b.Value, car4.Value, car4a.Value, car4b.Value, rend.Value}
local success, err = pcall(function()
myDataStore:SetAsync("data" ..Player.UserId, toSaveData)
if not success then
(I know this is not the best way to save data for cars, but I limited the ownable cars to 4 so I’ve made 4 slots)
Edit: Ignore the unused ghlvehicles and convehicles variables, they’ll be used in future