my datastore is not working, I added a print but for some reason even with a PCALL it doesnt work, like how does that make sense, heres the code:
local cs = player.CharacterStats
local items = {cs.ShirtVal.Value, cs.PantsVal.Value, cs.FaceVal.Value, cs.HairVal.Value, cs.Customized.Value,
cs.Gender.Value, cs.FirstName.Value, cs.LastName.Value, cs.ColorVal.Value, cs.Height.Value, cs.Weight.Value, cs.Minutes.Value, cs.Hours.Value
local key = "id-"..player.userId
print("savescript savin: "..key)
local success,err
success,err = pcall(function()
datastore:SetAsync(key, items)
if not success then
print("savescript Finished")
at the end its supposed to print savescript finished, but it wasnt doing that, then I put a pcall for the datastore, still not working. when i print the variable items it works, but it doesnt work after. heres an ‘explanation’:
print("savescript savin: "..key)
print(items) --last piece of code that works
local success,err
success,err = pcall(function() --pcall, to make sure even if it doesnt work its gonna run
datastore:SetAsync(key, items)
if not success then
print("savescript Finished") -- does not run
I think what’s happening is that Studio is closing the playtest server too quickly for SetAsync to finish working, so this should work to fix that:
local cs = player.CharacterStats
local items = {cs.ShirtVal.Value, cs.PantsVal.Value, cs.FaceVal.Value, cs.HairVal.Value, cs.Customized.Value,
cs.Gender.Value, cs.FirstName.Value, cs.LastName.Value, cs.ColorVal.Value, cs.Height.Value, cs.Weight.Value, cs.Minutes.Value, cs.Hours.Value
local key = "id-"..player.userId
print("savescript savin: "..key)
local success, error = pcall(datastore.SetAsync, datastore, key, items)
if not success then
print("savescript finished")
if game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then
I’m glad that you were able to solve the problem, but it would be nice if possible to explain how you did in-order to aid others that experience a similar issue
Creating the datasave in studio sometimes gives problems, so instead publish then go ingame. After creating the datasave ingame leave and now you can load it in studio, for some reason my only problem was ‘creating’ the datasave in studio, now it saves and loads just fine.