Datastore keys list problems

Hi im currently facing a problem with datastores on Roblox

So I was making a quiz game, where people could submit their answers, by completing it. The problem is, that when I use the “:listkeysasync()” function on an ordered datastore, it doesn’t return me all keys and data, even tough allscopes is enabled.

Should I make a secondary datastore with only 1 value stored, so it could catch all data when calling it?

All help is appreciated :+1:

For BaseAdmin, I just knew all the possible keys and stored them in a table, which was necessary anyways, and by knowing the possible keys I could clear them. It might sound like a hacky solution but it’s actually quite reliable and no data gets unreadable or corrupted. If something is missing, it will detect it, and fill its place. I do understand it might be a bit unreliable so I’m thinking of another solution for that, but I think it’s a good idea for now.

Edit: Specifically, when using the “datawipe” command, it will clear the data using this method. The admin list does something similar.

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Ill check it out, and let you know. Thank you