Datastore not changing values

Greetings Guys! I have made a game where when you kill an enemy, you get points in datastores.

somehow the datastore variable does not change it. For example, if I have 50 dollars, no matter how many times I kill it, I will only have 100 dollars. How do I fix this?


local Players = game:GetService("Players");

	local playerWhoKilled = script.Parent.Humanoid:WaitForChild("creator").Value
	local cash = Players:FindFirstChild(playerWhoKilled.Name)
	cash = cash + 50
	Players:FindFirstChild(playerWhoKilled.Name).PlayerGui.BaseGUI.Money.Text = cash .. "$"

I don’t need help in any other part, just where you give the player the money.

It seems like i fixed it; it looks like variables cant be used instead the entire players:FindFirstChild(playerwhokilled.Name)