DataStore not saving in PlayerRemoving

I want to save a global table “Jogo” only when the user exits the game.
For that I have in my Server Script:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Jogo = {} -- any data inside the dictionary

	local JogoStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Jogo", Player)
	print("before") -- working
	JogoStore:SetAsync("Jogo", Jogo)
	print("after") -- "after" will not print

Weirdly, the print("after") is not running, as well as the new “Jogo” table is not being saved.

Does this have anything to do with me testing inside the Studio?

What’s happening?


  1. Open this project in Studio: testes.rbxl (21.1 KB)
  2. Save it to Roblox (to allow use DataStore)
  3. Run
  4. Stop
  5. Studio will only show “before”

Hopefully this article will help! Data Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


It goes into more depth, then I ever could.

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Do you know how to solve this problem, instead of just sending a link for a generic documentation?


Also what is the error code, if you could tell me that.

If you read my post and also download/test the code, you’ll notice that there is no error code.

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Firstly, when you are doing tests in Studio, the table might not save. For me, data only saves when there’s something to overwrite not when the game have to create new position of data (for example in the table). Try publishing your game and then play it and it should save.

If you are saying that I can’t save to DataStore inside Studio, I have to disagree, because I was using DataStore2 until now and it was saving everything, even in Studio… but due a Roblox internal bug, I’m trying to use the native DataStore…

Try calling SetPlaceID() in the command bar.

What are you talking about? Have you downloaded and tested the example?

For a local .rbxl file you need to call SetPlaceID() in the command bar before an in studio game can access an datastore.

… or just save it to Roblox before running…
Again, do you have any answer for the problem?

I short: I want to save the data of a player when this player exits the game.
If I use…

… it will only work when the SERVER will shutdown.

How can I save the data when the PLAYER exits the game?

I think I found an intermediate solution, but I couldn’t understand:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Jogo = {a = 1} -- any data inside the dictionary

	local JogoStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Jogo", Player)
	print("before PlayerRemoving SetAsync") -- working
	JogoStore:SetAsync("Jogo", Jogo)
	print("after PlayerRemoving SetAsync") -- "after" will not print

	print("BindToClose before wait(3)")
	print("BindToClose before wait(3)")

This will work:

Also, if I decrease the wait time, it will not work again.
So, it seems I have to force the game to wait 3 seconds in order to save the data…
Can anyone explain why?


PlayerRemoving doesn’t typically work with normal datastores, because the server shuts down before it’s able to save (in-studio). game:BindToClose is the better option for saving with normal datastores (when it comes to studio). In-game, PlayerRemoving successfully fires and saves data

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I’m NOT saying that you can’t. I’m saying that it doesn’t work for me when I want Data Stores to create new data. I have to play the game not in Studio, it creates the data and then when I join Studio game, the new data is loaded even if it wasn’t before.

I don’t know if you understand me.

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What exactly are you trying to save here? If you’re trying to save specific player data, you’re going about it the wrong way.

I want to save the player’s data when the player exits the game. But ALSO when testing in STUDIO.


Check the better solution for this: DataStore not saving in PlayerRemoving - #38 by rogeriodec_games

It seems the most reliable code to save the player’s data when the player exits the game (and make it work within Studio), I should do something like:

	local JogoStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Jogo", Player)
	JogoStore:SetAsync("Jogo", Jogo)

game:BindToClose(function() -- (only needed inside Studio)
	if RunService:IsStudio() then -- (only needed inside Studio)
		wait(3) -- this will force the "SetAsync" above to complete 

I have similar issue, to test this event in studio I use the command :kick() to run.