Hello and i am trying to make a data store system for my game. I made one, but sometimes i get messages like the data store server que has filled up. I want to know how i can get around this because when this happens it causes a loss of stats. Is their anything i can do to stop this? Is this happening because of a while loop or multiple firing via a player joining / leaving or just an inefficient use of data storing.
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")
local debounce = false
------Stats Data Store----
local Ability = nil
local stats = Instance.new("Folder", Plr)
stats.Name = "Stats"
--- Level System
local Level = Instance.new("NumberValue", stats)
Level.Name = "Level"
Level.Value = 1
local Exp = Instance.new("NumberValue", stats)
Exp.Name = "Exp"
Exp.Value = 0
local ExpNeed = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
ExpNeed.Name = "ExpNeed"
ExpNeed.Value = 100
--- Money and Spin System
local Yen = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
Yen.Name = "Yen"
Yen.Value = 100000
--- Stats System
local Points = Instance.new("NumberValue", stats)
Points.Name = "Points"
Points.Value = 3
local MaxHealth = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
MaxHealth.Name = "MaxHealth"
MaxHealth.Value = 100
local Stamina = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
Stamina.Name = "Stamina"
Stamina.Value = 0
local Quirk = Instance.new("StringValue", stats)
Quirk.Name = "Abillity"
Quirk.Value = "Quirkless"
--- Fame
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder",Plr)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
leaderstats.Parent = Plr
local Fame = Instance.new("IntValue")
Fame.Name = "Fame"
Fame.Value = 0
Fame.Parent = leaderstats
local Faction = Instance.new("StringValue", stats)
Faction.Name = "Faction"
Faction.Value = "Civilian"
local GymTime = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
GymTime.Name = "GymTime"
GymTime.Value = 0
local StaminaBarMax = Instance.new("IntValue",stats)
StaminaBarMax.Name = "AbilityStaminaMax"
StaminaBarMax.Value = 100 + (Plr.Stats.Stamina.Value*5)
local StaminaBar = Instance.new("IntValue",stats)
StaminaBar.Name = "AbilityStamina"
StaminaBar.Value = StaminaBarMax.Value
local Strength = Instance.new("IntValue", stats)
Strength.Name = "Strength"
Strength.Value = 0
local playerdata = {
Fame = Fame.Value,
Faction = Faction.Value,
Quirk = Quirk.Value,
Stamina = Stamina.Value,
MaxHealth = MaxHealth.Value,
Points = Points.Value,
Yen = Yen.Value,
ExpNeed = ExpNeed.Value,
Exp = Exp.Value,
Level = Level.Value,
Strength = Strength.Value,
GymTime = GymTime.Value,
local data
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
Data = DataStore:GetAsync(Plr.UserId)
if success then
if Data then
playerdata.Faction = Data.Faction
playerdata.Fame = Data.Fame
playerdata.Quirk = Data.Quirk
playerdata.Stamina = Data.Stamina
playerdata.MaxHealth = Data.MaxHealth
playerdata.Points = Data.Points
playerdata.Yen = Data.Yen
playerdata.ExpNeed = Data.ExpNeed
playerdata.Exp = Data.Exp
playerdata.Level = Data.Level
playerdata.Strength = Data.Strength
playerdata.GymTime = Data.GymTime
Fame.Value = playerdata.Fame
Quirk.Value = playerdata.Quirk
Stamina.Value = playerdata.Stamina
MaxHealth.Value = playerdata.MaxHealth
Points.Value = playerdata.Points
Yen.Value = playerdata.Yen
ExpNeed.Value = playerdata.ExpNeed
Exp.Value = playerdata.Exp
Level.Value = playerdata.Level
Strength.Value = playerdata.Strength
Faction.Value = playerdata.Faction
GymTime.Value = playerdata.GymTime
while wait(61) do
Ability = Quirk.Value
playerdata.Fame = Fame.Value
playerdata.Quirk = Ability
playerdata.Stamina = Stamina.Value
playerdata.MaxHealth = MaxHealth.Value
playerdata.Points = Points.Value
playerdata.Yen = Yen.Value
playerdata.ExpNeed = ExpNeed.Value
playerdata.Exp = Exp.Value
playerdata.Level = Level.Value
playerdata.Strength = Strength.Value
playerdata.Faction = Faction.Value
playerdata.GymTime = GymTime.Value
DataStore:SetAsync(Plr.UserId, playerdata)
local playerdata = {}
local Fame = player.leaderstats.Fame
local stats = player.Stats
local quirk = stats.Abillity
local Stamina = stats.Stamina
local MaxHealth = stats.MaxHealth
local Points = stats.Points
local Yen = stats.Yen
local ExpNeed = stats.ExpNeed
local Exp = stats.Exp
local Level = stats.Level
local Strength = stats.Strength
local Faction = stats.Faction
local GymTime = stats.GymTime
playerdata.Fame = Fame.Value
playerdata.Quirk = quirk.Value
playerdata.Stamina = Stamina.Value
playerdata.MaxHealth = MaxHealth.Value
playerdata.Points = Points.Value
playerdata.Yen = Yen.Value
playerdata.ExpNeed = ExpNeed.Value
playerdata.Exp = Exp.Value
playerdata.Level = Level.Value
playerdata.Strength = Strength.Value
playerdata.Faction = Faction.Value
playerdata.GymTime = GymTime.Value
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
DataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, playerdata)
if success then
print("Data Failed To Save")