Datastore Questions

Hi! I’m just coming on here to get some simple answers. PS: If this is in the wrong category, it’s simply because I didn’t quite know where to categorize this one.

Anyway, to the question. Basically my game only saves in the experience, not studio. It always prints the fail in studio, but in game, always works fine! This isn’t something I desperately need to fix, but it’ll be nice to have some answers.

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Did you enabled “Enable Studio Access to API Services” in Game Settings->Security ?

Studio is Hit and Miss with datasaving. Sometimes it saves, other times it doesnt save and sometimes it spams save. If its a genuine error, eg something couldnt find something, then i would look into that because it could cause further issues ingame. If not, i wouldnt worry about it.

Yes, I forgot to mention that in the original post.

Alrighty, thanks! (comical amount of words for limit)

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