DataStore request was added to queue. If request queue fills, further requests will be dropped


Hey Developers,
So I have multiple scripts which create a Datastore. For nearly every Script I use 1 Datastore

local DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("leaderstatDataSaves")

Thats the DataStore for nearly every Script, so its the same Datastore every time. The problem is that I have multiple Folders that need to be saved. (also Folders which are not the leaderstats). Every time when the Player leaves every Script saves the Data with the :SetAsync function.
Is there a way to prevent the Datastore from filling with DataStore requests? (topic)
I can’t put every Script in 1 Script and then make a Table function (complicated to explain).
I also heard of Datastore2, but I am not quite sure if that would fix it.
Any help would be appreciated!

I am sorry but I made a mistake. I noticed that I can’t make 1 Datastore for everything. Now I have like 4 different DataStores, which will surely cause the Error. The Problem is, that I have things like a Donation Board with a DataStore called Donation and a Stage Datastore with another name. These Names cannot be changed… (because people already have stage progress and already donated)