I was in the studio yesterday testing UpdateAsync for some features in my game, and I was trying to save a table and it repeatedly wouldn’t save, at least not the dictionary part. So I thought it was a problem with UpdateAsync, so I switched to SetAsync and the problem continued. I’ll leave the details below.
If you create a Script and insert this code, you will see that the dictionary will not be saved.
DATASTORESERVICE = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DATA
local SAVEDATA1 = {
[1] = 111,
[2] = 222,
[3] = 333,
[4] = 444,
Informations = {
Test1 = 123,
Test2 = 321
local SAVEDATA2 = {
Informations1 = {
[1] = 111,
[2] = 222,
[3] = 333,
[4] = 444
Informations2 = {
Test1 = 123,
Test2 = 321
local S, E = pcall(function()
DATA = DATASTORE:GetAsync(123456)
if S then
However, if you change the Script to save the SAVEDATA2 table, which does not have an index, but rather 2 dictionaries, you will see that both are saved.
I really believe this is a bug, because it doesn’t seem like something that should happen.
DATASTORESERVICE = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DATA
local SAVEDATA1 = {}
SAVEDATA1["1"] = 111
SAVEDATA1["2"] = 222
SAVEDATA1["3"] = 333
SAVEDATA1["4"] = 444
Informations = {}
Informations["Test1"] = 123
Informations["Test2"] = 321
local SAVEDATA2 = {}
local Informations1 = {}
local Informations2 = {}
Informations1["1"] = 111
Informations1["2"] = 222
Informations1["3"] = 333
Informations1["4"] = 444
Informations2["Test1"] = 123
Informations2["Test2"] = 321
SAVEDATA2["Informations1"] = Informations1
SAVEDATA2["Informations2"] = Informations2
local S, E = pcall(function()
DATA = DATASTORE:GetAsync(123456)
if S then
local S, E = pcall(function()
DATA = DATASTORE:GetAsync(123456)
if S then
It should successfully print both tables. And you can get data from them by writing:
SpecificDataThatIWantFromTheTable = DATA["The name of the table item"]
So for example, you could write DATA[“1”] or DATA[“Informations1”] or since the Informations1 is a table thats part of the DATA table, you could write DATA[“Informations1”][“1”]
I had already seen that Roblox itself converts the table to JSON when saving the data. I did what user Chloe suggested and what I sent continues to happen. You can see that the print in Studio will continue with a table:
[1] = 111,
[2] = 222,
[3] = 333,
[4] = 444
The dictionary was lost for some reason and was not saved. Maybe some internal method that Roblox is using to analyze if the data has Index or Dictionaries?
This error I encountered is not exactly a problem for me, because in fact the way the data was saved was accidental. However, this occurrence was good because it revealed this small problem (which I believe to be). It would be good if a member of the Staff could verify if there is in fact a bug occurring in this type of situation.
What Dr Duck said actually works, if it is not a numeral Index but rather a string it will save the data. This is another reason why I believe it was not supposed to happen this way.
This seems to be a limitation with how the data is converted into JSON or whatever format Roblox uses on the backend, it is documented with Remote and Bindable Events:
Table Indexing
If you pass a table of data, do not pass a mixed table of numeric and string keys. Instead, pass a table that consists entirely of key-value pairs (dictionary) or entirely of numeric indices.
⚠️ Whether passing a dictionary table or a numerically indexed table, avoid nil values for any index.
This was the information I was looking for. I figured this would be some sort of bug and no prior notice that needed to be reported, but it seems like this is the way it should be.