Datastore saves in Studio, but not in game?

Hey Developers!
I’ve recently scripted a datastore that is supposed to save my custom inventory values in a table, and a table of the clothes and accessories the player wore.
The loading works perfectly fine, but the saving works only in studio.
There’s no use of RunService:IsStudio() and I added a game:BindToClose() that saves the data.

I used PCalls, and tried to print the errors when friends triggered the save prints, and I’ve tried to add a retry that re-runs the SetAsync if fails. And I’ve tried to look onto Discord whether the data was saved or not, and it ran only in Studio.

I’ve also tried to use UpdateAsync for both loading and saving for it to respect the queue.

I couldn’t get it to work.
I’ve used the search bar and tried the following solutions:

And a few other ones that don’t have a marked solution.
My code:

game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) --When the player is leaving do the following commands
	local inventory = player:WaitForChild("Clothes") --Gets the inventory folder
	local userId = player.UserId --Gets the player's userId
	local inv = {} --Createa new table
	for i,child in pairs(inventory:GetChildren()) do --For everything in the inventory do:
		inv[child.Name] = {child.Value, child:GetAttribute("Type")} --Create a new place in the inventory table and add the value to it
		print(child.Value) --Print the value, to make sure it is not nil
-------------------------This is printed.

	local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local worn = {
		["Accessories"] = {
			["Hat"] = char:FindFirstChild("GameHat"),
			["Hair"] = char:FindFirstChild("GameHair"),
			["Accessory"] = char:FindFirstChild("GameAccessory"),
		["Clothing"] = {
			["Shirt"] = char:FindFirstChild("Shirt"),
			["Pants"] = char:FindFirstChild("Pants")
		["HatsToggled"] = char:GetAttribute("HatsToggled")
	for i,v in pairs(worn["Accessories"]) do
		if(v) then
			worn["Accessories"][i] = v:GetAttribute(v.Name:gsub("Game", "") .. "Name")
	for i,v in pairs(worn["Clothing"]) do
		if(v) then
			worn["Clothing"][i] = v:GetAttribute("AssetId")
	local success,err
	local tries = 0
	print("Before save")
--------------------------------This isn't print either for some reason
		success, err = pcall(function()  --Create a function that returns or an error or a success
			dataStore:UpdateAsync("-Clothes" .. player.UserId, function(oldData)
				print("Data is being saved") --This is not being printed as well.
				return {inv, worn} --Set the player's data to the new table of his things.

		if(success) then --If it worked
			print("Saved data!") --Print Saved Data!
		elseif(err) then --Else if there's an error
			print("there's an error saving data") --print to the player that there was an error
			warn(err) --Warn it
----------------------------------------Nothing is printed ^
	until tries == 1 or success == true
	print("After save")
	print(tries, success, err)

	if(game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio()) then
		for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
			v:Kick("Game Shut-Down, saving data...") --Run the PlayerRemoving function

@tozzleboy Yes I enabled the studio to API services


Did you allow your game to access API services?

1 Like

I’m having this same issue but with profileservice, does anyone have a fix for this?, note to moderation this is not bumping the solution was not solved here.