When a player sells a tool (destroying it) then leaves, the tool that they supposedly sold is kept with them
How would i fix this?
local toolsOwned = {}
for i, toolInBackpack in pairs(plr.StarterGear:GetChildren()) do
table.insert(toolsOwned, toolInBackpack.Name)
local success, errormsg = pcall(function()
toolsDS:SetAsync(plr.UserId .. "-tools", toolsOwned)
if errormsg then warn(errormsg)
Did you Destroy the tool from both their Backpack and StarterGear firstly? Cause I don’t see any issue with your code, has to be something related to the destruction of the tool
i use :Destroy() to destroy the tool
Hmm, maybe when you’re leaving, the tool that was supposed to be destroyed is still in StarterGear, maybe add a print(toolInBackpack.Name)
in the loop to see if that’s the case, or replace plr.StarterGear:GetChildren()
with plr.Backpack:GetChildren()
I have tried both of those and have still come up with nothing
I think the problem is when saving data instead of creating new data it tries to add on to the previous data
It could be, one way to confirm that would be adding a
Somewhere after setting the new data to see what it prints. And when you tried printing, did it also show the name of the gear that was destroyed?
It did not print the name of the gear that was destroyed
and for some reason it cant print
Are you deleting these tools from a script, or a local script?
I am deleting them from a server script
Can we see the full script that saves stuff?
And also the one that destroys it?
Probably because the player would leave before that happened.
Nope. It is not. That isn’t possible with the method you’re doing here, unless you’re already getting copies.
What shows up in your player’s backpack and StarterGear can we see?
Tools in startergear
10:09:48.699 RedcliffHorn - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.700 ScrollOfSevenless - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.700 GatlingLaser - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.701 GravitationalRadiationHammerv0.01 - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.701 MechatronicFalcon - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.702 PortableJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.702 ForceStaff - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.702 WizardFlySpell - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.703 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.703 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.704 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.704 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.705 StaffOfHealing - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.705 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.706 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.706 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.707 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.707 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.707 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.708 LaserScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.708 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.709 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.709 GrimAxe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.709 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.710 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.710 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.711 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.711 StaffofNeverendingFrost - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.712 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.712 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.713 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.713 SkeletonScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.714 HealingPotion - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.715 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.715 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.716 StaffofNeverendingFrost - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.716 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.717 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.717 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.717 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.718 DemonSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.718 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.719 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.719 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.720 LaserScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.720 SkeletonScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.699 RedcliffHorn - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.700 ScrollOfSevenless - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.700 GatlingLaser - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.701 GravitationalRadiationHammerv0.01 - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.701 MechatronicFalcon - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.702 PortableJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.702 ForceStaff - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.702 WizardFlySpell - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.703 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.703 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.704 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.704 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.705 StaffOfHealing - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.705 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.706 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.706 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.707 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.707 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.707 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.708 LaserScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.708 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.709 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.709 GrimAxe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.709 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.710 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.710 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.711 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.711 StaffofNeverendingFrost - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.712 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.712 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.713 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.713 SkeletonScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.714 HealingPotion - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.715 FurryTail - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.715 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.716 StaffofNeverendingFrost - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.716 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.717 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.717 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.717 SkullBasher - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.718 DemonSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.718 StatueStaffOfStonyJustice - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.719 ElasticaMagica - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.719 BoneSword - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.720 LaserScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
10:09:48.720 SkeletonScythe - Server - WeaponDataStore:32
note i am trying to remove steampunk glove from the datastore